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Konami is teaming with Shengqu Games for a new Castlevania mobile title

Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls shuts down on September 9th
Konami is teaming with Shengqu Games for a new Castlevania mobile title
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Jul 28, 2020 partnership Konami Not disclosed

Chinese games firm Shengqu Games will collaborate with Konami on a new Castlevania mobile game titled Moonlight Rhapsody.

Revealed by Niko Partners senior analyst Daniel Ahmad, via Twitter (below), the game is set to be a side-scrolling action game that will take inspiration from the original console games. Moonlight Rhapsody is expected to be tested in China later this year.

As explained by Ahmad, the Shangai-based company – formerly known as Shanda – is best known in China for its work with PC titles, particularly the Legend of Mir IP. However, in recent times, the company has explored opportunities in the mobile market. Most notably, it was the publisher for Fallout Shelter in China.

Living legacy

The timing of Moonlight Rhapsody is interesting to say the least, given Konami will shut down Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls on September 9th, 2020. However, the game was only available in Canada having soft-launched there less than a year ago. It is believed, by players of the game, that its issues stemmed from consumers not needing to spend money on it.