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Chart of the Week: How Kingdoms of Camelot kicks Infinity Blade's butt

The reason to go free-to-play in a graph
Chart of the Week: How Kingdoms of Camelot kicks Infinity Blade's butt

In order to publicise its latest Mobiles Games Data Report, market research firm Newzoo has published a chart comparing the relative downloads and revenues of Kabam's Kingdoms of Camelot and the two games in Epic's Infinity Blade series.

While Kabam's Arthurian free-to-play title sees revenues rise even after downloads have peaked, there's a more direct linear relationship between downloads and revenue for the Infinity Blade games.

Even though Epic's slide-to-slice duology contains in-app purchases, Newzoo's figures show that revenues trail off once downloads have peaked, although IAP moderate the fall compared to a pure paid for game. 

It's an interesting, if not entirely like-for-like comparison, that serves to highlight the potential benefits of free-to-play pricing and a more service-oriented approach to mobile publishing.