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Chart of the Week: Asian in-app purchase revenues set to dwarf the west's by 2016

China and co. to spend big on tablet games
Chart of the Week: Asian in-app purchase revenues set to dwarf the west's by 2016

Juniper Research has predicted that tablet gamers will spend $3.03 billion on in-game purchases in 2016.

The research firm announced this gargantuan figure to publicise its Mobile & Tablet Games report, but now the company's also unveiled a graph that describes the geographic spread of that IAP spend.

Interestingly, however, Juniper expects the vast majority of this tablet gaming revenue to come from the Far East and China, with its share of the $3 billion total nearing 75 percent.

Juniper claims North America will be the second largest source of in-game purchase revenue albeit a very distant second.

Western Europe takes third place, while other regions will account for an almost negligible proportion of the total spend.