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Curiosity Chart of the Week: How end-game news boosted in-game activity in 22Cans' Curiosity

50 levels and counting down
Curiosity Chart of the Week: How end-game news boosted in-game activity in 22Cans' Curiosity

Peter Molyneux's latest interactive morality experiment is coming to an end.

Launched in November 2012, Curiosity - what's in the cube has had players tapping on cubelets to remove layers from a large cube that contains a mystery prize that will, apparently, "change someone's life".

However, the big twist in the latest update for the free-to-play iOS/Android release is that players can pay to add cubelets, as well as taking them away.

This has coincided with developer 22Cans announcing that there are only 50 levels to go.

Of course, this assumes some rich griefer doesn't start paying thousands of dollars to add cubelets.

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Still, with an estimated finish time of mid-May, the in-game statistics provide an interesting peek into how the Curiosity audience is reacting to the changes.

As we can see, the 50 levels announcement has resulted in an uptick in activity.

The number of active users in the past 24 hours has doubled to 100,000, while the number of current active users is up even more, at least in terms of its peak - over 5,000.

This activity has also resulted in more cubelets being removed.

From a peak of 10,000 cubelets destroyed per second on 30 April, it peaked at over 30,000 on 1 May.

This means that layers are being removed faster as well. Pre-announcement it took over one day to remove a layer compared to 1.5 layers being removed on 2 May.