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GameSalad tool powers 11% of iPad paid top 100 games

Indies are doing alright
GameSalad tool powers 11% of iPad paid top 100 games

Following the news that middleware company Unity has enabled 15 iPad launch games, indie rival Gendai Games - of GameSalad Creator fame - has also been bigging up the games it been helping developers to big up.

Its running total is 14 games, eleven of which are in the top 100 iPad paid games list.

The current breakdown is:

#47 Picture Hunter HD by Tshirtbooth

#51 Doodle Cannon HD by Crazybreadman

#57 Tumble Blocks HD by Tshirtbooth

#60 Go Ladybug, GO! by James Fletcher

#62 Battle Pong by Eastbound

#65 Red Block Remover 2 HD by Tshirtbooth

#74 Jumpo! HD by bladeolson

#79 Adrenaline Arcade by Butterbean

#88 Kid Music Wonder by Butterbean

#90 Wacky Circus Pinball HD by Chaser

#94 Endless Apples 2 by Butterbean

You can get GameSalad Creator, which comes in free and paid flavours here.

[source: GameSalad blog]