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Tribeflame's free iPad Racecar has been downloaded 100,000 times

That's 5 percent of devices
Tribeflame's free iPad Racecar has been downloaded 100,000 times

We're not hearing too much about the success of new iPad paid games at the moment, but there seems to be plenty of activity in terms of free content.

Harbor Master HD has been doing well, as has NimbleBit's Dizzypad HD - both of which are free with in-app purchases.

Now Finnish developer Tribeflame has announced that its free multiplayer (1 to 4 players on device) topdown racing game Racecar has been downloaded more than 100,000 times in two weeks.

As it points out on its blog, this means roughly 5 percent of all iPads have Racecar.

Tribeflame, which was set up to create games for tablet-based devices, will now be updating the game with more levels, as well as launching a paid for premier version.

[source: Tribeflame]