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Diary of a Promiscuous Gamer: Epic Empire stalls, Dark District shines and Adventure Town grows

This guy will play anything that's free
Diary of a Promiscuous Gamer: Epic Empire stalls, Dark District shines and Adventure Town grows

As game executive Bing Gordon famously put it (about) in 2010, "This is the most promiscuous app audience in the history of mankind".

So this is the diary of a promiscuous gamer.

1. Clash of Clans (Supercell)
Move along. Nothing happened here. I lie. I built another Telsa.

2. Samurai Siege (Space Ape)
This game seems to be the most generous strategy game ever in terms of the resource drop rate, and I haven't even built all the resource gathers. I don't really know what to do with it all.

3. Friendly Fire (Red Robot)
The relatively messiness of the UI and base building - at least compared to other games - is beginning to confuse me the bigger I build my base.

4. QuizUp (Plain Vanilla)
Didn't play this week.

5. Fast & Furious 6: The Game (Kabam)
Played the daily races. Around 90 percent through the third class.

6. Tank Nation (Wormhole Games)
Good progress this week in terms of some neat new item drops. Destroyed other players in multiplayer. I don't think I've ever lost a multiplayer battle, which suggests it's unbalanced.

7. Galaxy Factions (Coco)
The quality of the graphics continues to impress as the building level up. I'm 'this' close to spending big cash on some heroes...

8. Battle Command! (Spacetime Studios)
Am building up resources to upgrade my War College. That is all.

9. CSR Classics (NaturalMotion)
Have been playing the three daily races. Upgraded my nitrous.

10. Epic Empire (Pocket Gems)
My struggle with Pocket Gems' newish city-building RPG continues. The big problem continues to be that there's no decent way to grind the items you need to level up your character, which makes spending cash to get the 999 Starstones you need to forge special items in the Blacksmith's the only option.

In my opinion, the gameplay loop is too tightly linked to the XP level of the playable character, and the game needs additional monetisation techniques. The multiplayer also seems unbalanced.

11. Clumsy Ninja (NaturalMotion)
I played with the ninja. He remains as cute and as non-gamey as ever.

12. Dark District (Kabam)
Currently my go-to game. Loving the clean UI, even if I still think that having three gameplay loops at any point - build/upgrade buildings, research, and train units (plus attack) - just isn't enough.

13. Heroes of Dragon Age (EA)
This is starting to hang. Can't progress any of the single player missions.

14. Angry Birds Go (Rovio)
Am starting to get more into this. A really well presented and enjoyable game, and something that's also very interesting from a monetisation point of view, too (see below).

15. Sensei Wars (2K Games)
Performing the usual early start base-building activities.

16. Runes of War (Kabam)
A totally confusing game. Really can't see this being successful on mobile.

17. Team Monster (Mobage)
Did a couple of missions.

18. Kingdom Clash (Storm8)
While I like the way Storm8 has integrated its cross-promotion system, does it have to display ever time you load, and without any way of not clicking through to another screen to dismiss? Game feels somewhat generic in a Clash of the Clones way.

19. Adventure Town (Supersolid)
Finally got into this cute and likeable 'city-building with heroes' game (see below). Think it has a lot of promise.

20. Colossatron (Halfbrick)
Not sure about this one. Can't really see what the tactics are.

21. Fightback (Chillingo)
Didn't play (again)

Installed #1 Dr. Newton: The Great Brain Adventure (Brainbow)
A great little brain training game from a newish UK studio. A good one to start off the New Year.

Installed #2 Snoopy's Candy Town (Beeline)
Diner Dash meets CandyVille. Graphics are typical Peanuts' style - very nice - but if anything, the gameplay loop is too long (and too frantic) for a mobile F2P game.

Installed #3 Brave Frontier (gumi)
Not played yet.

Uninstalled #1 Heroes & Havoc (Mobage)
Having played this game for a couple of months, I've come to the end of the experience. Yet this is an interesting game that takes card-battling dynamics, layering on top of it a more heroes-style presentation with 3D characters, and a more active battle system in which you can choose which enemies to attack as well as trigger your character's magic special skills.

There's also an nice attempt to split out game progression as you unlock different races and their temples, also moving from stories to legends and then sagas for each race to unlock more characters of that type. The monetisation system - basically using the hard currency to buy keys to unlock chests and gamble, both to gain items and other currencies - is too discrete and harsh, however.

Weekly recap
Installed: 3
Uninstalled: 1

In Play: 22
To Be Played: 2

Spending: $0
To-date 2014 'Life Time' Value: $0