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Mobile games jobs weekly: Square Enix and SockMonkey look to expand, while Tastypill ups recruitment

The movers, shakers and job opportunities in mobile gaming
Mobile games jobs weekly: Square Enix and SockMonkey look to expand, while Tastypill ups recruitment

Welcome to our new and improved regular article where we round-up the week's big movers and shakers across the mobile games industry.

The focus of this weekly article will be to compile all of the big job appointments and departures in one easy to read place, alongside some standouts from our own jobs board and some useful articles for those job seeking at this time.

Got any jobs news you’d like to share? Contact staff writer Matthew Forde at

Movers and Shakers

Sonic the Hedgehog social media manager Aaron Webber moves to new role at Sega

The name Aaron Webber may not mean much to you, but his role on the official Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account has been phenomenally influential.

As outlined in a tweet (linked above), five years after stepping into the role and turning Sonic's online image around, Webber will now be moving to a new role within Sega.

Studio news

SockMonkey Studios secures a £250,000 investment to launch its first game

The Middlesbrough-based firm SockMonkey Studios will utilise the £250,000 ($314,000) funding to launch its first game called Fish Tanks, across mobile, Switch, PC, Xbox One and PS4 later this year.

The company experienced a 50 per cent growth in staff members last year and is expecting to raise that number to 50 more employees by 2021.

Square Enix to open new Eidos studio in Sherbrooke

Global publishing giant Square Enix has announced that it is setting up a new studio in Canada's Quebec. Eidos Sherbrooke is going to be opening its doors in the autumn of 2020 and is situated in the city of Sherbrooke. The outfit is primarily an R&D operation which is investigating new technologies.

Eidos-Sherbrooke is looking to hire 20 full-time employees by the time it opens its doors, though these members of staff will be working remotely until the office is ready in early 2021. Within five years, the aim is for around 100 employees to be working at the studio.

New publisher ChargeUp Games enters the mobile games market

ChargeUp Games has just set up shop as a new mobile games publisher in town.

The new firm has been formed in a partnership between game marketing & business development consulting agency Mobile Games Partners and talent agency Digital Development Management.

Jobs board

Check out a few select vacancies from our regularly updated jobs board:


Casual games developer and publisher have seen their catalogue of titles be downloaded over 500 million times, as well as 55 million monthly active users. The company posted a number of vacancies, including:

Head of User Acquisition - Atlanta, Georgia, US

Junior Producer (Hypercasual Mobile Games) - Atlanta, Georgia, US

More job highlights

Senior 3D Artist (Deep Silver Fishlabs) - Hamburg, Germany

Senior Game Developer (Starloop Studios) - Lleida, Spain

Product Manager (Gameforge) - Karlsruhe, Germany

IT Network Engineer (Cloud Imperium Games) - Austin, Texas, US

Games Build Engineer \/ Tools Programmer (Kwalee) - Leamington Spa, UK

The jobs board list can be viewed in full here.

Got jobs news you’d like to share? Contact staff writer Matthew Forde at