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Securing fair play in mobile games: Traplight and Battle Legion

Check out how Denuvo’s Mobile Protection technology helps games combat cheaters and hacks
Securing fair play in mobile games: Traplight and Battle Legion

Releasing new mobile games can be exciting for everyone! Including developers, publishers, gamers… but also hackers and cheaters.

Cheating and hacking in gaming continues to be a huge problem that has a couple main consequences. Firstly, it turns legitimate gamers off from purchasing and playing games that are full of hacks and cheaters, which ruins the gaming experience for legitimate gamers. And secondly, it tarnishes a franchise and diminishes their revenue which means that their ability to reinvest in new developing new and exciting games in the future is greatly diminished.

Basically, nobody wins when there are hackers and cheaters.

With cheaters and hackers becoming increasingly sophisticated and continuously adapting their approach to cheating and stealing, including selling pirated versions of a game to unsuspecting gamers, developers and publishers. Traplight, just like many mobile gaming studios, is no stranger to hacking and cheating in their games and noticed that this had an impact on their revenue and their gamers’ experience. They wanted to be proactive to contain hacking and cheating attempts.

Who is Traplight?

Traplight develops award-winning mobile games which are loved by gamers all over the world. Their wildly popular free-to-play game, Big Bang Racing, was awarded by Apple as “Best of Appstore” in 2016 and has since created a loyal following of more than 10 million players and legion of in-game followers.

It’s a known fact that as soon as a game is released, (sometimes even before) it becomes a target for hackers and cheaters. This has been true for Traplight’s games in the past. In their previous mobile games, Traplight encountered hacks such as the client-side of the game being tampered with, instant win calls being sent to the server and stats of any given unit being adjusted to give a player an unfair advantage. This directly impacted their gamers’ community.

As part of their releasing strategy for their latest title, Battle Legion, they wanted to protect their game from these types of hacks and cheats.

What was Traplight looking for?

To protect their latest mobile game, Traplight needed to find a technology that is robust enough to stop the toughest hackers, but light enough to have zero effect on game play, small build size and easy to implement. After reviewing and discarding other expensive and heavy game security solutions, they came across Denuvo by Irdeto’s Mobile Protection and decided to test the solution out.

Who is Denuvo and how did they help?

Irdeto’s software security technologies and cyberservices protect over six billion devices and applications. Denuvo is an important part of Irdeto’s security portfolio, providing core technology and services for all major game publishers and platforms, independent software vendors, e-publishers and video publishers.
Denuvo provides solutions against tampering and cheating and with their firm grasp on what’s important to both gamers and publishers, their technology features attributes that keep everyone happy.

Traplight was looking for a specific set of criteria in a protection solution, and Denuvo’s solution checked all the boxes. The solution included attributes such as its lightweight and bulletproof DRM, easy integration, very small build size, no impact on a game’s performance and no impact on a legitimate gamer’s experience.

A collaboration that works!

After their initial meeting and conversation, Traplight was ready to partner up with Denuvo to protect their game.

Once Traplight implemented Denuvo’s Mobile Protection technology on their Android version of Battle Legion, they knew it was a good choice. The dramatic decrease in hacking attempts compared to titles they had released in the past said it all. Because of the positive outcome in protecting Battle Legion on Android, they decided to implement the technology on the iOS version of the game, with similar positive results.

Download the full Traplight & Denuvo case study here.

To find out more about Denuvo by Irdeto, click here.

To read more about Traplight, click here.