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Insights From PGC London 2023, Pt 1 | Podcast

Exclusive video: Check out insights from some of industry professionals that were at PGC London 2023 earlier this year
Insights From PGC London 2023, Pt 1 | Podcast
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Gaming leaders and innovators from around the world came together at PGC London 2023 in January. This year was our biggest PGC London yet, with over 2600 attendees, 31 tracks, and 1200 companies in attendance.

AI and automation, cloud gaming, blockchain games, and the importance of soft skills were major topics of discussion at the event and throughout the gaming industry. Listen to the full event recap with Steel Media and Pocket Gamer executives here.

Our cohost Peggy Anne Salz did some on-the-ground journalism at PGC London 2023, getting the inside scoop from the industry’s top marketing experts. There are more than a handful of tips and tricks from Peggy’s interviews, so we’re breaking down the best insights into two posts. Listen to the full episodes on your go-to podcast platform.

In this week’s podcast:

Yeshas Nakshathri, Leanplum

The days of releasing a game and leaving it to the masses are over. Now, game development is part of a constant feedback loop. Head of Partnerships Yeshas Nakshathri explains how the mobile marketing platform Leanplum, a CleverTap company, deciphers user data and creates a plan to utilize it. Yeshas says effective targeting is about hyper-personalization and ensuring you “reach out to the right audience with the right content at the right time.”


Luis Leon, Creadits

Luis Leon says to work smarter, not harder, when building creatives. Head of Creative Business Development at Creadits, a production platform for performance marketers, Luis reveals how to turn a thirty-second video into ten different pieces of content without spending a penny over budget. He also tells marketers to get to know their audience honestly. Producers can take notes from brands like Ryan Air and Duolingo that are booming with Gen Z audiences on social media for creating raw, fun content with personality.


Harriet Hughes, Playstack

Find a publisher who doesn’t want to take over your game but one who wants to understand it and collaborate with you, says Harriet Hughes, Playstack CMO. Harriet tells developers to work with a publisher that generates excitement for their game through community-driven marketing. In her conversation with Peggy, she shares one of Playstack’s major successes: growing the creations of a two-brother studio and a single developer into critically acclaimed games.


Philip Gontier, Smadex

Probabilistic matching may soon be on the outs. Focus instead on privacy-centric practices and contextual signals. Philip Gontier, CFO at Smadex, tells marketers how to maximize first-party data and build scalable optimization campaigns for SKAdNetwork 4.0.


In other news:

Pocket Gamer is headed to GDC 2023! We’ll be meeting with players and developers across the ecosystem. First, book a one-on-one meeting with the Steel Media team to discuss how we can support your strategic objectives and goals. Then join us at the Pocket Gamer Metaverse Mixer, where we’ll chat with experts alongside our partners Redlight Finance and ZEBEDEE about NFTs, blockchain, the metaverse, and more. Register for free today before tickets run out!

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And if you've enjoyed this interview, check out world-class speakers sharing their insights and expertise at one of our events. You can find details of our upcoming events here

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