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Hot Five: Zynga, Rovio, ustwo games, Bluestacks interviews, and how to avoid UX/UI dark patterns

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Hot Five: Zynga, Rovio, ustwo games, Bluestacks interviews, and how to avoid UX/UI dark patterns

Due to the shorter working week in the UK, we have a slight deviation from our regular Hot Five list, which typically compiles the five most-read stories on each week. Instead, check out the five most read features and interviews from the last week.

Read on and digest…

1. Rovio CEO talks ATT, protecting Angry Birds, and blockchain exploration

A whirlwind chat with Rovio CEO Alex Pelletier-Normand traverses the company’s brand strategy for Angry Birds, privacy changes, and Rovio’s internal blockchain development – or, as they are referring to it internally, the designer economy.

2. Supercell: "Small teams are a part of Supercell’s identity. What became clear is that not all team situations are the same"

Supercell chief people officer Lesley Mansford talks about Supercell's journey to evolve its work culture, lessons you can take from their efforts, and combating industry-wide mental health decline and burnout.

3. How to prevent ‘purposefully neglectful’ UI/UX dark patterns in F2P mobile games

Game UI Database’s Edd Coates gives his tips to developers looking to gain player trust, avoid manipulative dark patterns, and distinguish their F2P mobile game.

4. ustwo games’ Danny Gray: “I basically demoted myself. But I didn’t care; I just wanted to make great games.”

Part one of our interview with ustwo' games chief creative officer, 2022 MGA Mobile Legend, and Chaos King discusses fitting in the games industry, leading a studio and stepping back, and chasing Monument Valley's success. Part two can be read here.

5. Mobile and blockchain gaming’s future belongs on the cloud, argues BlueStacks

Bluestack’s Rosen Sharma on’s commitment to browser-based gaming, and doubts on Apple and Google accepting blockchain gaming.