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Kontagent+PlayHaven emerges as integrated analytics and marketing play - Upsight

One dashboard, one SDK
Kontagent+PlayHaven emerges as integrated analytics and marketing play - Upsight

Since the December 2013 merger, it's been known as Kontagent+PlayHaven but those clunky days are over.

The joining of the San Francisco-based mobile monetisation and analytics companies is now crowned with the name Upsight.

"It's difficult to find a new name in terms of getting domains and trademarks, but Upsight is based on Insight combined with the impact we want to have on our clients' business," explains Andy Yang, who steps up from being CEO of PlayHaven to being CEO of Upsight.

130-staff strong, the two companies have combined their San Francisco offices, and also have operations in Portland, Toronto, Buenos Aires, London, Seoul and Tokyo.

Making it simple

For Yang, however, it's merging products that's the key. There's now a single dashboard to see how apps and games are performing and a single SDK to integrate to.

"We had around 170 shared clients and the spark for the merger came from requests to combine our marketing and analytics tools into one package," he explains.

"Of course, there are many more clients who only use one product and that's our opportunity. They get both for free."

This is particularly good news for smaller developers who previously couldn't get access to Kontagent's enterprise-grade (and priced) analytics.

A version of this will be available for all Upsight customers, enabling them drill down into what different segments of users are doing in-app, and then using the integrated marketing and monetisation tools to send them push notifications or other in-app retailing messaging.

On the up

Yang says he's already happy with how the merger is progressing.

"We're tracking 500 billion events per month (up 26 percent in two months) from 650 million monthly active users (up 63 percent)," he says.

Of course, there's still plenty to be getting on with.

"The vision is to provide everything an app developer needs and make those tools smarter and smarter," Yang states.