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Women in Games’ David Smith on supporting the progression of women in the games industry

“The vision of Women in Games is to see a games industry, culture and community free of gender discrimination”
Women in Games’ David Smith on supporting the progression of women in the games industry

David Smith is the Founder and CEO of Women in Games, an organisation that works to recruit, retain and support the progression of women in the games industry by positively and actively promoting female role models and giving encouragement and information to those women seeking to work in games.

We caught up with Smith to discuss the role of Women in Games in the games industry. Can you tell us a bit about Women in Games?

David Smith: The vision of Women in Games is to see a games industry, culture and community free of gender discrimination, where full equality of opportunity, treatment and conditions empowers all women to achieve their full potential.

What does your role entail?

Women in Games has an Executive team and Advisory Board. As a member of the Executive I look after external and international relationships as well as Finance and Esports.

Which part of the Connects event are you most looking forward to and why?

This is the most important conference of the year in the UK and it is a great opportunity to cultivate and develop new relationships for the year ahead and beyond. I cannot imagine any flying start to a new year without a full 2 days at Pockets Games Connects.

At Pocket Gamer Connects London 2020, David Smith takes part in a speed panel: “What needs to be done to guarantee a harassment-free company”. For more information on the show, and to buy your tickets, click here.