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Kian Hozouri on ByteBrew’s partnership with Mintegral

We spoke to ByteBrew’s COO and co-founder about the new collaboration and what it means for both companies
Kian Hozouri on ByteBrew’s partnership with Mintegral

Mobile game analytics platform ByteBrew has seen a period of rapid growth, viainterests in various different areas of game creation from operations to community. The platform is used by a variety of different companies from various branches in the sector, with integration for industry heavyweights such as Unity, Unreal, and Android.

We spoke to ByteBrew COO Kian Hozouri about the company’s recently announced partnership with Mintegral, the challenges facing the industry, and the trends we can expect in 2023.

Tell us about your work at ByteBrew?

As a co-founder of our rapidly growing platform, I’m a wearer of many hats working across operations, marketing, product, strategy, recruiting and community. By far the best part of what I do is get to play and enjoy all the amazing games that join our platform.

What makes ByteBrew different from other companies in analytics space?

ByteBrew is the all-in-one platform that provides everything game developers need to grow their games from real-time analytics and monetisation tracking to attribution and live ops into one unified, out-of-the-box platform and SDK. ByteBrew has SDK’s to support developers on more game engines & platforms than any other platform, with integrations for Unity, Godot, Gamemaker, Unreal, Buildbox, iOS Native, Android Nati ve, Flutter, Swift, and React Native.

Unlike any other attribution measurement provider, ByteBrew provides uncapped measurement, tracking and campaign performance analytics completely free for all game and app developers using its platform. It is the first of its kind to offer attribution services inside of an all-in-one analytics suite. By using the full and free suite of tools made available on the platform, developers can track their user’s installs from each of their ad sources and learn how every cohort performs, monetizes, and engages in their games.

How did your new partnership with Mintegral come about?

Our partnership with Mintegral came about after one of our developers using our platform requested we add Mintegral to our attribution partners list. We reached out to the Mintegral team and the rest is history. Almost everything we build at ByteBrew is driven by requests from our developer community. We’re a platform of game developers making all the tools game developers need to succeed and it’s one of our core values to have the community shape the future of ByteBrew.

What does the partnership allow both ByteBrew and Mintegral achieve?

ByteBrew’s new collaboration will give app and games developers using the platform access to 100% free attribution measurement for their Mintegral ad campaigns, and allows them to evaluate and optimise their ad performance to grow their games business. Our attribution product links directly with ByteBrew’s existing offering to provide a complete end-to-end solution for developers, including real-time breakdown of ad performance metrics, user engagement analytics, and next-gen live ops tools inside of an all in one analytics suite.

What key trends do you think will become important in the year to come?

We’re seeing very new approaches in games evolving across the mobile landscape. One of the biggest trends we’re continuing to see gain traction is the diversification of in-game monetisation practices. More and more game developers are introducing renewed monetisation strategies into their development methodology; making games that make room for users to interact with both in-game ads and in-app purchases. Hybrid casual is a great example of this transition away from a solely ad based monetised game type. But more than anything we’re seeing a tremendous expansion in studios across genre self-publishing games by harnessing new tools that enable their teams to pinpoint successful decisions and identify gameplay opportunities in their projects. Seeing this kind of diversification introduced to the market is always super exciting and enriching for the entire ecosystem.

What can we expect next from ByteBrew?

There is always one thing that you can count on from ByteBrew, and that’s that we’ll be continuing to build, innovate, and design new features to give for free to our amazing community, so that they have an arsenal of tools they can harness to hit the top charts of the app store.