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Get a 33% discount on job postings on the new jobs board

Unbeatable value and targeting for recruitment
Get a 33% discount on job postings on the new jobs board

As one of the must-visit destinations for mobile games industry folk, it was only a matter of time before we added a jobs board to

Sure, the economic climate could be better. Many studios and publishers are contracting, not expanding, and it will be some time before the glory days return to the mobile content industry.

But our new jobs board is perfectly suited to this environment:

  • A new job posting costs just $99 for a 30-day run - true value!
  • Our audience is almost entirely made up of mobile games industry professionals, offering uniquely qualified would-be recruits
  • The jobs board features an RSS feed, so potential employees can scan for likely vacancies every day with ease

What's more, we're launching the board with a 33% discount for readers.

Simply post up your job as usual, putting the following discount code in the box marked 'Coupon' to get a 33% reduction before you pay:



The coupon is valid for one month, so please do give it a try.

It's secure and easy to post up jobs

Posting vacancies on our new jobs board is straightforward, due to our using the well-respected JobThread software.

This solution outsources the board to the recruitment experts at JobThread, who also provide the job boards for top-tier publishers such as WIRED, and Silicon Valley Insider.

It also means that as a recruiter you can pay with confidence, using either a credit card or via PayPal.

Sounds good? Why not go check out the board, try out the special offer above, and let's keep this industry moving.