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Stephen Elop set to take charge of Xbox at Microsoft

Former Nokia CEO on the move
Stephen Elop set to take charge of Xbox at Microsoft

Stephen Elop is poised to take control of Microsoft's Devices and Studios division, giving the former Nokia CEO control of the American giant's Xbox business.

That's according to an internal memo sent out by Microsoft executive VP Julie Larson-Green, which also revealed she's set to lead the My Life & Work group - a component of Microsoft's Applications and Services Group.

In the memo, obtained by TechCrunch, Larson-Green states that she is leaving her role at Devices and Studios in order to help the firm realise its 'One Microsoft vision'.

"One Microsoft"

"As hard as it is for me to leave Devices & Studios, I'm thrilled about this opportunity," said Larson Green.

"In working with company leaders this year to establish our One Microsoft vision and plan, I thought about ways I could have impact on helping Microsoft prepare for the future and innovate."

Elop, who left Microsoft to join Nokia in September 2010, had been tipped by many to replace Steve Ballmer as Microsoft CEO, with some previously speculating he would look to sell off Xbox if handed the keys to power.

The former Nokia man has never publicly commented on his position in regards to Microsoft's Xbox business, though any such shake up would naturally have a major impact on the Redmond firm's attempt to form greater ties between Windows 8, Windows Phone and Xbox One.

Indeed, Microsoft's big mobile announcement at Mobile World Congress has been Windows Phone 8.1, which will enabling developers to release largely the same code on mobile and tablet devices running Windows Phone and Windows 8.

[source: TechCrunch]