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New Year, New Job: Offer up some career advice in our jobs in games special

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New Year, New Job: Offer up some career advice in our jobs in games special

It's another new year, which for many means drawing up a list of resolutions for the year ahead.

That might entail ambitions of getting into shape, travelling, reading more or, for some, bagging that new job you've been chasing and climbing that career ladder.

Whether you’re looking for a new career in mobile games, a brand new job or looking to level up at your current company – is here to help.

Throughout January we’ll be running articles related to getting a job in the mobile games industry.

But we’d like your help too!

Career advice

Got something to say about getting a career in mobile games? Have you got any unique tips on how job seekers can make themselve stand out? Perhaps you have some advice for recruiters aiming to attract the top candidates?

Send your article suggestions to Editor Craig Chapple at

If you’re after some inspiration, topics could include:

  • Getting through the interview process
  • Crafting the ideal CV
  • The skills job seekers need for a specialist career in games
  • How to bag that promotion
  • Moving from employment to indie development
  • And any other ideas you can think of!

Our sister-site is also running a New Year, New Job special this month. So if you've got any PC games job market insights, you can message the site's editor at

So if you've previously written something on the topic that's still relevant today, let us know and we'll link to it!

If you’re on the hunt for a job in games, check out our jobs page, where studios upload new job vacancies regularly. It’s completely free for employers to post jobs and for prospective employees to use!

And if that’s not enough, you can check out our constantly updated Jobs Board article – where we list companies across the world currently recruiting.

For advertising opportunities in our New Year, New Job special, email