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Panzerdog founders Alexey Sazonov and Sergey Kozyakov have left the company

"We are very proud of what was achieved with Tacticool, and we'll miss our awesome team"
Panzerdog founders Alexey Sazonov and Sergey Kozyakov have left the company

The founders of Russian-Finnish mobile games firm Panzerdog have chosen to leave the company.

Alexey Sazonov and Sergey Kozyakov will take a break from the games industry but may return in the future for a new endeavour. However, they will leave Panzerdog in the hands of Roman Malakhov, who will serve as its new CEO.

"I and Sergey Kozyakov are departing from Panzerdog. We are very proud of what was achieved with Tacticool, and we'll miss our awesome team. Dear colleagues, we wish you and new CEO Roman Malakhov to reach the new heights," said Sazonov.

"We'll remain as purely financial shareholders. Now it's time to rest for a while, but we are open to meeting new people so that we could eventually found a new game development company."

New dog

Panzerdog is best known for its top-down tactical shooter Tacticool, which was launched in early 2019. Since then, the mobile title has secured $20 million in revenue and 20 million downloads.

In 2017, the company raised $950,000 from Mail.Ru to launch its flagship title. We caught up with Sazanov last year to discover how Panzerdog had turned Tacticool into a $1 million a month game.