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Anzu adds David Cox as a strategic advisor

Ad platform strengthens team
Anzu adds David Cox as a strategic advisor

In-game ad platform Anzu has hired David Cox as a strategic advisor.

Cox previously worked at Take-Two, Sony and MTV launching games such as Mortal Kombat, Tomb Raider, RockBand and GTA V in the US.

He joins the likes of Bitkraft's Jens Hilgers, Whaler CMO Jaimie Gutfreund and Tubular Labs' CMO Josh Schmiesing in terms of Anzu's advisors. 

“It’s great to have David on board at this crucial stage in Anzu’s growth," commented CEO Itamar Benedy.

"I'm looking forward to the years of experience he will bring from working within the industry, as well as his vast knowledge of the US video games landscape.

"He’ll be a fantastic addition to our strategic advisor team, who play an important role in shaping the future of Anzu, and the wider in-game advertising industry, which is seeing enormous growth as both advertisers and developers continue to wake up to the incredible opportunities that this technology presents them with."

Anzu blends highly viewable IAB-compliant ad formats directly into video games across mobile, PC, console and just launched its in-game ads across Roblox.