
Knowledge Base - UA 101: How to put together your mobile user acquisition strategy

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Knowledge Base - UA 101: How to put together your mobile user acquisition strategy

Once you have an understanding of the types of paid user acquisition and adsyou can use to help you acquire users, you’ll need a plan of action.

Below we’ve put together a collection of articles on the various types of tactics employed by mobile companies to put your strategies to the test, make the most out of your money to ensure a good return on investment (ROI), and bring in what is hopefully a significant number of players.

6 tips for mobile cross-promotion: The smart indie dev’s low-cost UA strategy

AppLovin's Johannes Heinze offers his advice on how best to use cross-promotion for user acquisition on a budget.

Which mobile ad formats are best? A down and dirty guide that spells it out

AppLovin on which formats publishers should consider as they pursue mobile advertising.

Top 5 reasons to start paid user acquisition for your mobile app

Drippler CEO Matan Talmi looks at several different stages in the product lifecycle where it makes sense to pay to acquire new users.

Why a soft launch is a must for your new game

AppAgent’s Peter Fodor on why carefully planning a soft-launch to test out UA strategies can help reduce costs and maximise retention.


How to make your mobile gaming marketing campaign burst a success

Woobi’s Guy Banda details what a burst campaign is and how you can adopt this strategy for your mobile game.

The 7 deadly sins of mobile user acquisition

GameAnalytics discusses the key parts of your user acquisition strategy, and the critical steps you shouldn’t forget.

The smartest $5K you’ll ever spend on your mobile game: Q&A with Rovio’s VP of UA

Eric Seufert speaks to Chartboost about what an indie developer’s user acquisition strategy should cost, and why it should not be considered marketing spend.

6 steps for exceptional mobile user acquisition

Supersonic offers a few steps to kickstart your acquisition funnel and generate ROI positive users.

Kickstart your user acquisition strategy with mobile video campaigns

This PDF by Fyber introduces readers to video advertising and provides 10 ‘best practices’ to help you maximise your mobile video campaign performance.

Setting up your first user acquisition campaign

While not specifically about games, this useful breakdown from Revmob looks at how you should set up the goals for your user acquisition campaign.


An in-depth study of free-to-play (F2P) in-game advertising in mobile games

DeltaDNA surveyed numerous developers on their approach to advertising in their own games, providing an insight into the most popular ad types in games.

How to hire a killer user acquisition manager for your mobile game

Eric Seufert discusses how you can hire an expert in UA and why it could be important for your game’s success.

How to Increase Your Mobile App Sales With A/B Testing

While not all specifically about paid user acquisition and advertising, this two-part guide on A/B Testing offers some useful tips on helping increase your conversion rate at a lower cost-per-install (CPI).

Part 1
Part 2

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