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Added flexibility with Flurry's mobile video ads gives Pocket Gems a 5x boost

Non/skippable options are key
Added flexibility with Flurry's mobile video ads gives Pocket Gems a 5x boost

Mobile analytics and advertising firm Flurry has announced the launch of a new, "next generation" video advertising solution aimed at helping publishers maximise their app's overall revenue.

This offers publishers the chance to choose between 15- and 30-second videos, which can further be customised using auto-play, pre-cached, and non-skippable options.

By toggling between these lengths and settings, Flurry believes publishers will be able to achieve a better app experience by reaching a higher overall completion rate.

More intriguingly, every video impression comes bundled with Flurry data - thus allowing publishers to hit higher eCPMs thanks to increased and refined targeting in their chosen demographics.

Five up

Although Flurry's just made the improved video solution available for iOS app publishers who integrate the standard Flurry SDK, results from the beta period were encouraging.

Pocket Gems, which beta tested the new video features, reported a 5x lift in Flurry-generated revenue from the optimised solution.

Flurry's new ad unit
Flurry's new ad unit

"Pocket Gems puts the player experience above all else when creating a new mobile product," said Pocket Gems' VP of business development, Michael Dawson.

"We value Flurry's ability to help increase our revenue while providing high-quality video ad experiences that keep players engaged."

Flurry plans to roll out support for the Android version of its new video solution soon. Those interested in learning more about the improvements to Flurry's video advertising can email for more information.