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UK games industry undergoes renaissance thanks to "mobile explosion"

TIGA proves the UK has found its feet
UK games industry undergoes renaissance thanks to

The UK video games industry has the wind in its sails and is on the path to success with headcounts, wider games industry employment, tax revenues, and investment all on the rise.

The news comes from developer and publisher network TIGA, which released new findings from its annual report proving that the UK industry has once again found its feet.

The report, aptly titled 'Making Games in the UK Today: June 2014', shows that between 2012 and 2013 the number of creative staff in the industry grew from 9,224 to 9,896, the number of jobs indirectly supported by studios increased by roughly 1,200, and annual investment rose from £427 million to £458 million.

Combined direct and indirect tax revenues generated by the sector also rose from £390 million to £419 million, while the game development sector's contribution to UK GDP was more substantial, rising from £947 million to $1.02 billion.

Mobile catalyst

TIGA CEO Dr Richard Wilson has explained that mobile gaming in particular has given the UK games industry a big boost, as have other factors such as the advent of Games Tax Relief and the closure of console only studios.

“The UK games development sector is back on track. Employment is up, investment is increasing and the sector’s contribution to UK GDP has grown to £1,016 million," detailed Wilson.

UK-based Clumsy Ninja developer NaturalMotion is now hiring
UK-based Clumsy Ninja developer NaturalMotion is now hiring

“The sector’s return to growth has been driven by three factors. Firstly, the explosion of mobile and tablet devices have created a significant market for games: jobs are being created in response to this demand.

"Secondly, the closure of big console focused studios has been followed by a surge of small start-up companies, [and] thirdly, the advent of Games Tax Relief, which TIGA was instrumental in achieving, is already stimulating growth.

“Now that Games Tax Relief has been approved by the EU Commission and games companies can claim from April 1st 2014 onwards, the UK can look forward to the creation of more jobs, more investment and the production of more culturally British video games.”