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The MIGS14 is getting closer. Are you ready?

10-11 November in Montreal
The MIGS14 is getting closer. Are you ready?

Serge Landry is the producer at the Montreal International Game Summit.

Every year, more than 2,200 people from over 20 countries attend the MIGS (Montreal International Game Summit) and over 1,000 business meetings take place in our Business Lounge thanks to our online meeting application used at the Game Connection and E3.

With its 300+ business executives attending every year, the MIGS is the best place to meet potential buyers, partners or even to pitch your dream company about your projects.

This year, the MIGS is lucky to host the absolute best companies, including Riot Games, Gameloft, Microsoft, SCEA, Noodle Cake Studios, Perfect World, Square Enix, Ubisoft Montreal, Bungie, Netease, Chukong, Frima, Ludia, Oculus VR, Epic Games, Sony and many more big lights of the industry.

Shall you want to showcase your work and give others a chance to know the insides and outs of your projects, our Expo Zone enables studios to save a pod to demonstrate their latest games, their next generation technologies or their ultimate product in front of the big names of the industry's avid eyes!

Exceptionally this year, we have even saved a big spot, in front of all the other companies at the Expo Zone, for our Demo Zone, aimed at promoting Independent developer's work and showcasing it to all the AAA studios.

After such a condensed program, relax and network and the Official Party or even at the VIP Cocktail to make any encounter, lasting business relationships.

So do not miss your chance to attend what promises to be THE event of the year for the Gaming Industry worldwide.

Save your spot right now by clicking here, or contact us for more information at clement [at] migs14 (dot) com