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David Amor to keynote Games Funding Forum with his top 10 funding tips

New event on 23 October in London
David Amor to keynote Games Funding Forum with his top 10 funding tips

Back in the day, funding was an easy proposition for developers.

You either got money from a publisher, or you didn't make your game.

Now, however, the fragmentation of game markets and the explosion in the number of developers - not to mention the relative decline in the power of publishers - means the funding landscape is very different.

That's something David Amor is looking to address at his talk - 10 top tips for getting your game funded - during the Games Funding Forum, to be held in London on 23 October.

Old rope or a goldmine?

A new half-day event, the Games Funding Forum is designed to help developers in this regard, delivering practical advice on where to find and how to access funding, offer funding case studies from developers who have successfully secured finance, and information on alternative funding options.

For Amor, it's a subject close to his heart, as during 2013 he left the company he co-founded, Buzz developer Relentless, to set up new outfit Picnic Games.

"It's not easy to raise investment. There are a lot of different options available, which all have their pros and cons." he says.

"Developers need to have a much stronger commercial grounding to ensure they can offer investors a saleable proposition in terms of their games and their company."

You can see the full speaker listing for the Games Funding Forum - tickets are currently available priced £150 - via the website.