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We all made mobile games more awesome in Minsk

We all made mobile games more awesome in Minsk
We all made mobile games more awesome in Minsk

Minsk, the capital of Belarus, isn't your typical mobile gaming cluster.

Nevertheless, thanks to the likes of Wargaming, Awem and Apalon, there is a growing development scene; something reinforced by the presence of the DevGAMM conference.

And, of course, where there's a conference, there's a Pocket Gamer event.

From the bar

In Minsk, we continued our Mobile Mixer European Tour powered by SkyMobi.

This saw SkyMobi's William Heathershaw explaining the Chinese publisher's power in the market; something underlined by its 5 million download guarantee for the games it releases.

Following this, there was a panel talk.

Moderated by Julia Lebedeva, business development director at Nevosoft, it covered the subject of 'How mobile game developers can make their games awesome'.

The other panellists were:

  • Oleg Pridiuk, Technical Evangelist, Unity Technologies
  • Aya Yamada, Adinnovation
  • Romuald Zdebskiy, Mobile Games Industry Lead, Microsoft

And after the listening came our traditional mixture of thinking. drinking and networking.

You can check out all the photo from the event on our Facebook page and don't forget to sign up for our forthcoming events at Casual Connect Belgrade and Games Connection Paris.