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Make a Windows game using Cocos2d-x and win $25,000

Deadline is 31 May 2015
Make a Windows game using Cocos2d-x and win $25,000

Chinese publisher and technology firm Chukong is launching a competition that challenges developers using its middleware engine, Cocos2d-x, to create games on Windows.

Both professional and novice developers can enter, so long as they develop a Cocos2d game in C++ or using the new JavaScript option and publish it on the Windows Store or Windows Phone Store.

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The finished games will be judged by a panel of Chukong and Microsoft representatives in terms of  the quality of the submission including performance, creativity and originality.

The competition winners will be awarded with a first prize of $25,000, while runners up will receive second and third prize of $15,000 and $10,000 respectively.

The starting gun for entries was fired on 31 March, with the final submission being accepted on 31 May 2015 at 11:59 CST.

You can find full details for the competition here.