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IMGA announces its 2016 nominees

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IMGA announces its 2016 nominees

It is the season for awards and the longest running mobile games awards competition - the IMGAs - has announced its selection.

Running for the 12th year, there are 11 different categories, which range from the obvious - Best Multiplayer Game - to the more abstract - Best Meaningful Play.

In total, 102 games have been nominated for an award.

A jury of industry experts will be voting on the category winners, but everyone can also vote for their favourite in terms of the People Choice's Award if they register on the IMGA website.

Full range

"We had everything from arcade-experience games to big titles with very polished design. The breadth of the entire spectrum from front to back was amazing," commented Monument Valley developer Dan Gray (ustwo).

"Overall, we saw several new trends emerging throughout this year's submissions including the emergence of kids games, educational games and e-sport games," added Maarten Noyons, the IMGA's founder.

"We look forward to continuing to explore these and the other games to divulge the year's winners in March."

Winners will be revealed at the annual IMGA ceremony held in San Francisco on 15 March at the 111 Minna Gallery.
