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Pokemon GO is getting $1 ARPU after surpassing $500 million in revenue

Still retaining well too
Pokemon GO is getting $1 ARPU after surpassing $500 million in revenue

Pokemon GO is now the fastest game to reach $500 million in revenues after hitting the target in just over 60 days.

This is 3.3x faster than Candy Crush Saga, and 6.7x faster than both Puzzle & Dragons and Clash of Clans, which took over 400 days to hit that milestone.

If the estimate is correct, and Niantic Labs' figure of 500 million downloads is accurate, then this means the game has generated an ARPU of roughly $1.

The very best

The estimate comes from App Annie, which also states that Pokemon GO was the second-best retention rate of all games on Android in the US in July 2016.

The game has also not made any meaningful impact on time spent in non-gaming apps, as people play it alongside other apps.

It's impressive that Pokemon GO is still managing these metrics, despite reports that its user numbers are dropping, and a number of lawsuits against the game which threaten to ban it from certain regions.

The game could also be set to make big waves with a new Pokemon GO app for Apple Watch.