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Google to bring App Shortcuts and Image Keyboards to Android 7.1 Developer Preview later this month

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Google to bring App Shortcuts and Image Keyboards to Android 7.1 Developer Preview later this month

Google has released new information on what developers can expect to find in the upcoming Android Nougat 7.1 Developer Preview.

The update will add an App Shortcuts API that allows developers to deep-link to their apps in the Google Launcher. It will also provide support with making circular app icons to suit the style of the Pixel launcher.

Image keyboard support will be added, allowing developers to open and limit the keyboard in their apps to allow custom images, emoji and stickers.

The update will also allow developers to open a new Settings screen from within the app to free up storage space on the device.

Pushed around

The Developer Preview will also let developers provide additional metadata about live wallpapers and includes APIs to support multi-endpoint calling and new telephony configuration options.

Google's Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P and Pixel C will receive the update first later this month, before it's pushed out to other supported devices before the end of the preview.

The final consumer version of Android Nougat 7.1 is expected in the next few months.