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Transformers: Earth Wars saw 50% cheaper CPIs using Facebook Ads

Facebook case study reveals how it helped grow the game
Transformers: Earth Wars saw 50% cheaper CPIs using Facebook Ads

Facebook helped Space Ape Games double its click-to-install rates and halve its CPI with ad campaigns for its game Transformers: Earth Wars.

In a case study released by Facebook, the company outlines how its various services helped Space Ape push the game to a wide audience for a lower cost than before.

Space Ape started by identifying its key target segments by running test ads in select markets. It revealed that video ads worked best, allowing the studio to focus in on making effective video campaigns.

It then pushed its campaigns to a global scale using Facebook's Lookalike Audiences tools to target specific segments.

Rolling out

Space Ape ran ads across all of Facebook's channels, including Instagram, which has previously been identified as a growing market for paid UA.

The campaign ran from November 2015 to August 2016. It saw double the click-to-install rates and players LTVs than previous Space Ape Games, as well as 50% cheaper CPIs.

Space Ape has previously referred to Transformers: Earth Wars as its "most accessible game", following on from distinctly more core titles like Rival Kingdoms and Samurai Siege.