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Android users are more likely to uninstall apps than iOS users

AppsFlyer sets the cat among the pigeons
Android users are more likely to uninstall apps than iOS users

Three out of 10 apps installed are later uninstalled and Android users uninstall two times as many apps as iOS users, according to a report from AppsFlyer.

The analytics firm studied 20 million uninstalls of 500 apps globally between September and October 2016 to acquire its data. It defines the "uninstall rate" as the number of uninstalls divided by the number of installs.

Games on Android saw uninstall rates of 43%, while iOS saw a comparatively small rate of 13%. These uninstall rates are the second and third-highest of each platform respectively.

As for why Android uninstall rates are so low, AppsFlyer suggested that the average Android device holds less storage space than a high-end iOS device, and that iOS games are generally higher-quality.

Around the world

Looking globally, the study found that install rates are lowest in the US and higher in developing mobile markets. AppsFlyer again attributes this to lower-quality phones being available in these countries, and therefore having less storage space.

To try to prevent your app being uninstalled, AppsFlyer suggests improving app store descriptions so users know exactly what to expect, and making sure you have a "fantastic app".

Failing that, it also suggests offering incentives to churned users so that they will return to the app. It also recommends developers study their own uninstall data to understand patterns and try to work out where their app can improve.