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Amazon GameLift now works with all C++ and C#-based game engines

Amazon Lumberyard updated to 1.8 too
Amazon GameLift now works with all C++ and C#-based game engines

Amazon Web Services' cloud-based server platform Amazon GameLift is now compatible with any and all engines using C++ or C# languages.

This opens up the platform to developers in Unity, Unreal, custom-built engines and Amazon's own Lumberyard engine.

Developers can add the GameLift SDK to their games and gain access to all the platform has to offer.

The SDK will grant access to AWS' scalable servers that can be increased and decreased depending on demand. It also features a new matchmaking service that will continually scan for the best server available to a player.

Saving time and money

"The majority of leading game companies use AWS, and our customers have consistently asked us for an easier way to deploy, operate, and scale dedicated game servers for their multiplayer games," said Chris Dury, General Manager, Amazon GameLift.

"We built Amazon GameLift to save developers time and money while delivering world-class experiences for their players. We are excited to now offer Amazon GameLift’s benefits to more game developers by adding support for any C++ and C# game engine."

Along with this, AWS has announced that Amazon Lumberyard 1.8 is now available in beta. The update adds 234 different fixes and improvements, including a new Cloud Gems Framework for easily building cloud-based features.