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Hidden object developer G5 Entertainment sues MyTona over lucrative game The Secret Society

Claims the studio is improperly refusing a license extension
Hidden object developer G5 Entertainment sues MyTona over lucrative game The Secret Society

Stockholm-based PC and mobile game developer G5 Entertainment is suing MyTona for failing to perform "certain obligations" as part of a five-year deal between the companies.

G5 Entertainment filed a complaint in January 2017 after MyTona "improperly refused to extend the license agreement" on G5's game The Secret Society. The company is seeking "substantial damages" from the loss of past and future profits.

In response, MyTona has filed a counter-claim against G5 Entertainment to seek its own damages. Complaints made by MyTona include accusations of "'rude and threatening' communication" from G5, as well as misappropriation of source code and game concepts.

Long and prosperous

"G5 and MyTona have had a long and prosperous partnership making The Secret Society a great success in its genre," said G5's CEO Vlad Suglobov.

"And, while we are currently seeing greater success and growth with some of our other titles, TSS continues to be a solidly performing game as part of our overall game portfolio. We believe our current actions are both necessary and justified."

The Secret Society is an especially lucrative game for both companies. G5 claimed in May 2016 that it and two other games accounted for 90% of the company's overall revenue.