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UK Games Fund reveals 23 teams for second year of its Tranzfuser competition

Graduate teams given £5,000 to develop a prototype
UK Games Fund reveals 23 teams for second year of its Tranzfuser competition

The UK Games Fund has revealed the 23 teams that will be taking part in its latest round of the Tranzfuser competition.

Tranzfuser sees a selection of teams made up of recent university graduates developing prototypes with a budget of £5,000. Winners will then receive a shot at up to £25,000 to continue developing their games for eventual release.

Teams include Static Shell Studios from Wrexham Glyndwr University, which is developing a cross-platform mobile and PC game called Unjust. The team was previously a finalist at Dare to be Digital 2016.

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IndieByte, a team made up of game design students from the University of Suffolk, is also developing a mobile game called Boat Ship Crazy. It is a "socially competitive" title focusing on capturing zones by sailing around the game world.

The teams will be developing their games in preparation for a showcase in September 2017. A full list of teams is available on the Tranzfuser website.

The first Tranzfuser competition ran from May 2016 across ten weeks. It is run by the UK Games Fund, which was established in October 2015 to provide funding to UK developers.