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Social casino platform FlowPlay to bring Dragonchain's blockchain technology to its games

Invests in its ICO and plans on licensing the blockchain
Social casino platform FlowPlay to bring Dragonchain's blockchain technology to its games
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Nov 16, 2017 partnership Dragonchain FlowPlay Not disclosed

Social casino platform FlowPlay has entered a strategic partnership with blockchain platform Dragonchain to bring its technology to FlowPlay's suite of games.

The social casino platform has invested in Dragonchain's initial coin offering to secure its services. It will license the blockchain technology to develop an in-game monetization platform, as well as explore new ways of creating games that use cryptocurrency.

Dragonchain was initially developed within Disney, before being spun-out as its own company. It uses a hybrid public/private open-source platform which is said to simplify the integration of business onto its blockchain.

Huge impact

"Dragonchain and its technologies have the potential to make a huge impact in the games industry by introducing a simple and secure way for players to earn and trade cryptocurrency through a decentralized blockchain system," said Derrick Morton, CEO of FlowPlay.

"With the technology's roots in loyalty and rewards programs, we see several key areas of our business that can be enhanced and expanded through the Dragonchain platform."

Blockchain support is steadily increasing across the mobile games industry. Blockchain-powered mobile game store GPlay signed a deal with Unity to allow its developers to launch games on the store back in October 2017.