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More than 50% of players of blockchain game Spells of Genesis haven’t used the blockchain

Results from BitCrystals’ first gamer survey
More than 50% of players of blockchain game Spells of Genesis haven’t used the blockchain

Given blockchain gaming is such as nascent field, any data about the people playing such games is valuable.

And Swiss outfit BitCrystals has been digging down into the motivations of players of F2P mobile blockchain game Spells of Genesis.

It’s just released a survey of 513 gamers (from a pool of a couple of thousand) about their attitudes to blockchain gaming and cryptocurrencies.

(In the interests of full disclosure, I was one of those 513, and we were rewarded with 10 BCY (worth around $3) and a collectible card for filling in the survey.

The extremes of blockchain gaming

Unsurprisingly 91% of the survey were male, with the majority aged 25-44. In terms of geography, the US was #1 at 25%, followed by Japan (12%), Russia (5%), and with the UK and Canada at 4%.

44% of players had purchased or traded an item on the blockchain over the past 12 months, with lack of money and the process being too complex being the main reasons why 54% of players hadn’t interacted with the blockchain in this way.

Our sister-site has the full story.

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