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Apple flaunts iPhone X gaming capabilities with Vainglory demonstration

Bionic chip commercial provides a marketing platform for Super Evil Megacorp’s MOBA
Apple flaunts iPhone X gaming capabilities with Vainglory demonstration

Apple is targeting mobile gamers for its iPhone X device with a brand new advert flaunting the smartphone's A11 Bionoic chip.

The commercial, titled “Unleash”, showcases the iPhone X running Super Evil Megacorp's MOBA Vainglory and features a player seamlessly swapping in and out of social tools and apps during gameplay.

While intended as a showcase of the device’s gaming potential, the ad also conveniently works as a promotion for Vainglory. Cementing the partnership, Apple and Super Evil Megacorp will be hosting an event next month at a San Francisco Apple Store.

To promote the campaign, Vainglory players will be able to equip a cosmetic to make one of the game’s heroes, Reza, appear as star of the commercial, d4v11d.

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Super Evil Megacorp has also gone into detail as to how its games have benefitted from the A11 chip. A blog post explains how the increased processing power has allowed the studio to give Vainglory fog-of-war calculations in a mobile MOBA.

“Previous generation of devices simply weren’t powerful enough to compute and display this visual effect,” said co-founder and CTO Tommy Krul.

Super Evil Megacorp has ambitions beyond technology for the title. Vainglory will be appearing at this year's World Electronic Sports Games alongside mainstays like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and DOTA 2.
