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UK games industry receives a tasty slice of the government’s $25.5 million creative industries boost

Games in education program Digital Schoolhouse to receive $255,000 in funding
UK games industry receives a tasty slice of the government’s $25.5 million creative industries boost
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Dec 7, 2018 investment Ukie Not disclosed

The UK government has announced a $25.5 million (£20 million) fund to boost the country’s creative industries.

In a release, the government claims the funding follows reports that the value of creative industries to the UK is now $128.8 billion (£101 billion).

The bulk of this is going to the wider creative sector, particularly in England. A whopping $17.8 million (£14 million) is going towards the Creative Careers Programme, while $5 million (£4 million) will benefit businesses in the West Midlands, Greater Manchester and the West of England.

But the games industry hasn’t been left out. $242,200 (£190,000) will go to the UK Games Fund’s pitch development programme. Additionally, significant investment is going towards using games in education

School’s in session

$254,800 (£200,000) will go towards UKIE’s Digital Schoolhouse program. The project delivers cross-curricular computing lessons using play-based learning, across schools, colleges and universities.

“We’re thrilled that DCMS have recognised the programme’s impact by injecting vital funds to accelerate the growth of the programme,” said programmer director and UKIE head of education Shahneila Saeed, on the programme’s site.

“We’ll continue to provide inspiring lessons and workshops for 25,000 pupils next year - improving their knowledge and unlocking the potential in every child.”

UKIE will use the funding to expand from 34 to 50 Schoolhouses by next September, serving an additional 7000 pupils in the next academic year.

We've reached out to ask how the $25.5m funding might be used to support the creative industries Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.