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Human: Fall Flat will land feet-first on mobile with a little help from 505 Games and Codeglue

505 Games partners with Curve Digital to bring the PC and Console indie hit to handheld devices
Human: Fall Flat will land feet-first on mobile with a little help from 505 Games and Codeglue
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Feb 13, 2019 partnership 505 Games Codeglue Curve Digital Not disclosed

No Brakes Games’ physics-based platformer Human: Fall Flat will come to mobile in the near future.

505 Games is working with Human: Fall Flat publisher Curve Digital to develop a handheld version of the PC and console title, which has so far earned over five million sales.

The technical side of porting Human: Fall Flat will be handled by Codeglue, which previously brought fellow indie darling Terraria to mobile.

Falling upwards

“505 Games are proud to bring our vast experience of faithfully developing and publishing on mobile platforms to help our friends at Curve Digital bring one of their major IPs to an even broader audience,” said 505 Games president Neil Ralley.

“Through our experience with Terraria and other mobile projects, we know how to optimise PC and console games to play on touch screens and ensure that the gameplay inputs and user interfaces are as intuitive as they are on other platforms.”

Curve Digital CEO Dominic Wheatley added: “Curve has sold over five million copies of Human: Fall Flat on PC and console, so we’re delighted to work with 505 on the mobile version.

“Their experience in marketing premium games on that platform is really important to us and No Brakes Games, the developer.”