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E3 2019: EA held an event about tackling harassment and bullying in games

Research from anti-bullying charity Ditch the Label, 57 per cent of users have been bullied in an online title
E3 2019: EA held an event about tackling harassment and bullying in games

Publishing giant EA had a rather low-key presence at this year's E3, but the publishing giant did find time to look at how to handle bullying and harassment in video games.

The firm held the Building Healthy Communities Summit at its own EA Play event at the LA trade show, bringing together different voices from both the industry and charities, such as anti-bullying organisation Ditch the Label.

In a blog post summarising the event, EA said that according to stats from Ditch the Label's Liam Hackett, 57 per cent of users have been bullied in an online game. Meanwhile, 74 per cent of the research panel said that more should be done to take bullying in games more seriously.

Tackle toxicity 

EA also talked up its own efforts to tackle toxicity within its games communities, but the firm made a number of commitments as for what comes next.

"We have a long road ahead, but we are thrilled with the energy and knowledge sharing that we witnessed at our inaugural Building Healthy Communities Summit. A big thank you goes out to everyone who participated and pledged their support for positive change," senior director of global community engagement Adam Tanielian wrote.

Head on over to PCGamesInsider.Biz for the full story.