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ESA confirms that E3 2020 digital event won't be taking place

But trade body says it will be supporting companies who were meant to be at the show
ESA confirms that E3 2020 digital event won't be taking place

US video games trade body and E3 organiser the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has said that it won't be holding a digital event in lieu of the cancelled trade show.

In a statement to PCGamer, the organisation said it wasn't going to be running an online showcase as previously said due to disruption caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Instead, the ESA says it will be working to promote the companies set to make announcements and show off their games at the show on avenues including its website.

Some publishers, including Microsoft, Ubisoft, EA and Devolver Digital have said they'll be holding digital events.

The ESA cancelled E3 2020 in March after it became apparent that the show couldn't take place due to social distancing and lockdown recommendations to slow or halt the spread of the viral pandemic.

E3 2021 is reportedly set to take place between June 15th and 17th.

Event disruption

"Given the disruption brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be presenting an online E3 2020 event in June," the ESA said.

"Instead, we will be working with exhibitors to promote and showcase individual company announcements, including on, in the coming months," the rep said. "We look forward to bringing our industry and community together in 2021 to present a reimagined E3 that will highlight new offerings and thrill our audiences."

E3 is one of many events that has been impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. GDC was canned and then moved until the summer, which does seem optimistic. Meanwhile, EGX Rezzed and Reboot Develop Blue has been postponed until later in the year.

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