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VR firm XRSpace reveals new standalone headset Mova

Retailing for $599
VR firm XRSpace reveals new standalone headset Mova

HTC co-founder Peter Chou has headed a new virtual reality company known as XRSpace.

Chou left the electronics firm in 2015 and founded XRSpace three years ago. The company has created its own VR headset known as Mova, as well as a new social platform called Manova.

I like to Mova

"Our mission is to bring people together through the power of 5G XR, surpassing the limited experience of smartphones today," said Peter Chou.

"The singular goal of XRSpace is to take XR to the masses by redefining how people connect, socialise, and collaborate by simplifying the hardware and user experience. When XRSpace started three years ago, we have been laser-focused at putting regular customers in everything we do. Today we are here to announce a new platform which will take human interaction to a new level through 5G XR."

The new headset features 5G mobile and is said to be 20 per cent lighter than most other VR devices. The hardware does not need controllers as the two front cameras recognise hand motions. The Mova headset will retail for $599.

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