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Around 25 per cent of Ubisoft employees have seen misconduct

"New channels have been put in place so that each report can be escalated anonymously to the group level and handled by our partner, Idoko"
Around 25 per cent of Ubisoft employees have seen misconduct

Around 25 per cent of Ubisoft employees have witnessed a form of misconduct within the last two years.

As detailed in a letter to staff by CEO Yves Guillemot, via Gamespot, almost 2,000 employees took part in listening sessions. At the same time, around 14,000 responded to the company's anonymous survey to combat the misconduct that has taken place at the French publishing giant.

Moreover, 40 focus groups were formed on company culture and processes, while 100 individuals were interviewed. As a result, it was not only found that around 25 per cent of the workforce has witnessed misconduct, but that one in five does not feel safe in their working environment.

Time to improve

The survey results have helped Guillemot and Ubisoft pinpoint, which areas the company needs to improve, and fast. The first of which is to guarantee a working environment where everyone feels safe.

"From the outset, I wanted victims to be able to speak out with confidence and to be supported. New channels have been put in place so that each report can be escalated anonymously to the group level and handled by our partner, Idoko, with all necessary care, impartiality and confidentiality," said Guillemot.

"In recent months, investigations have been carried out and have resulted in disciplinary action where warranted. Some investigations are still ongoing, and we will continue to investigate any new allegations raised through our whistleblowing channels."

Next, Ubisoft will focus on diversity and inclusion. Moreover, it will refocus and strengthen its HR department - a welcome change as it was reported that staff were encouraged to speak to their harasser rather than HR -  and make the managers of the group accountable and empower them.

Toxic culture

The French publishing firm had come under fire in recent months as it became apparent that there had been multiple cases of misconduct, which had not been correctly dealt with before it became public knowledge.

Previously, Guillemot admitted to having to make "tough decisions" in relation to previous misconduct allegations, claiming that individuals broke his trust.

A number of high profile employees have departed Ubisoft as a direct result of the misconduct claims. However, the majority chose to walk before they could be pushed, though the French firm did fire its head of PR Stone Chin.

Meanwhile, three execs chose to depart at the same time, Serge Hascoët, Yannis Mallat and Cécile Cornet, although the latter left to allow the company to reform the HR, not because she was guilty of harassment.

Most recently, games industry vet Michel Ancel left the company, and it has since been reported that he did so due to misconduct investigations.