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Awesome Games Done Quick raises $2.76m for Prevent Cancer Foundation

Charity event has raised $31.4 million to date
Awesome Games Done Quick raises $2.76m for Prevent Cancer Foundation

Charity streaming event Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 brought in a whopping $2.75 million.

Taking to Twitter, the organisers said that the final total for this year's event was $2,758,847, but at the time of writing this appears to have increased to $2,764,237 from 42.092 donors. This money is going to Prevent Cancer Foundation.

Awesome Games Done Quick ran between January 3rd and 10th, with streamers running through games including Mirror's Edge, Dragon Age: Origins, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, as well as Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment and Cuphead.

"We hope that you had a wonderful time watching all of the runs and talented runners, and want to say thank you to everyone involved in the event, everyone who donated, and of course, all of you for being here with us," the Games Done Quick Twitter account wrote.

This follows Summer Games Done Quick raising $2.3 million in August 2020. To date, Games Done Quick has raised $31,357,273.81.

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