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Majority of game developers considering using blockchain

New survey shows speed of change
Majority of game developers considering using blockchain

A developer survey carried out for blockchain platform Stratis by insight agency Opinium has found that 58 per cent of 197 game developers surveyed in the US and UK are now beginning to use blockchain technology.

In addition, 47 per have already started to incorporate NFTs in their games.

Unsurprisingly, it's expected that this trend will continue in future too with 72 per cent of respondents saying they would consider using these technologies for new games.

64 per cent believed that blockchain technology would become prevalent in video gaming within the next two years, while 53 per cent agreed that NFTs would be more common by then too.

“We commissioned this research to solidify what we already assumed — that blockchain and NFTs are the future of video games," commented Stratis CEO Chris Trew.

"From our own experience supporting game developers, we know first-hand how these technologies are already beginning to improve the player experience by rewarding players with the ability to earn real-world value.


"Stratis offers an SDK to the Unity gaming engine, with plans to add Unreal soon. We’re betting big on blockchain gaming and we want to be the infrastructure layer.”

Built on Microsoft .NET, Stratis' platform can be deployed on Microsoft’s IaaS platform, harnessing Azure’s capabilities such as storage services and enterprise service buses.

Find out more at the Stratis website.