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Tapjoy finds 77% of Gen X play mobile games daily

Match-3 is the generation's preferred genre
Tapjoy finds 77% of Gen X play mobile games daily

Tapjoy’s latest report, Modern Mobile Gamer 2021: Gen X Edition, has shown that Gen X is as active as Gen Z on mobile phones.

The report comes after an analysis of 1,850 Gen X participants in the US between February 2021 and September 2021.

Gen X’s favourite mobile activity is gaming in 81 per cent of cases, with 77 per cent of respondents playing mobile games daily.

The generation's preferred form of mobile games are those that can be played in short bursts, especially Match-3. Furthermore, 66 per cent of participants reported that they spent more time on mobile devices this year compared with 2020.

Catching up with the kids

Tapjoy claims that Gen X are less concerned with company values as Gen Z and have lower unemployment than Millennials. As a result of this and ‘higher-than-average household income’, Gen X wields a vast amount of purchasing power.

Gen X's favoured ads are funny, succinct, and rewarded, with almost 40 per cent completing rewarded ad offers daily. They are also encouraged to download new games by such rewarded ads.

"This generation has seen it all: the rise of MTV and cable TV, the tech and video game booms of the 80s, the widespread internet adoption of the 90s, and so much more," said Tapjoy’s senior director of marketing Lauren Baca.

"It’s true that most didn’t use smartphones until they were in their 20s or 30s, but they’ve definitely caught up with their younger peers when it comes to mobile use. Because they’re such active mobile gamers and shoppers with secure income from established careers, they’re the ideal audience for both mobile advertisers and publishers."

You can view and download the full report here.

Recently, Tapjoy publishing a report of its analysis into Millennials' mobile habits, finding that 64 per cent had increased the amount of time spent on mobile games within the last year.