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ByteBrew launches push notifications for its 2,500 game developers

ByteBrew has launched push notifications on its free all-in-one platform which now boasts 2,500 game developers
ByteBrew launches push notifications for its 2,500 game developers

In its largest release to date, ByteBrew announced the launch of Push Notifications for the now-2,500 game developers using the company's platform.

Since its launch last July, ByteBrew has aimed to disrupt the market by providing developers with the ability to communicate with players using its free, uncapped push notification system for mobile games.

Kian Hozouri, co-founder of ByteBrew, said: "It's absolutely inspiring to have over 2,500 passionate game developers a part of the ByteBrew platform. Reaching this mind-blowing milestone so rapidly accelerates our vision for one platform that gives developers everything they need to grow their games."

ByteBrew Push Notification Features:

One Line of Code Integration

By adding just one line of code to your mobile game, you’ll be equipped with all of ByteBrew’s Push Notifications features to build, segment, automate, and deliver your player notifications.

Cross-Platform Delivery

With push notifications being one of the largest sources of engagement traffic for games, ByteBrew lets developers send notifications to all their player’s devices across every platform they use.

Player Segments

Developers can send targeted push notifications to specific groups of players or just a single user by building unlimited player segments for each of their games based on player behaviour, engagement, retention, geolocation, custom data tags, and more.

“It's absolutely inspiring to have over 2,500 passionate game developers a part of the ByteBrew platform”
Kian Hozouri

Automated Delivery

Using ByteBrew’s real-time automation engine, developers can utilise their customised player segments to run single or recurring push notifications to be delivered at specific dates or times to players who have entered a custom player segment – creating new opportunities for developers to re-engage with users throughout their player’s journey.

Notification Analytics

Understand how each push message affects game performance using ByteBrew’s Notification Analytics dashboard with out-of-the-box visuals that track how players interact with different notifications.

Cameron Hozouri, Co-Founder of ByteBrew, told "Every game should use push notifications whether you make hypercasual, or battle royale games. Coming from game development, we know firsthand the massive impact well-timed and engaging communication to players can have on increasing KPIs across the board.

"But, to use push notifications today, developers have to pay for multiple expensive platforms and services with complex integrations to communicate with their players. With ByteBrew push notifications, developers get everything they need to interact with their players around the globe built as part of our all-in-one, centralised platform."

“Every game should use push notifications whether you make hypercasual, or battle royale games”
Cameron Hozouri

Additional New Features on ByteBrew

The new technology on the platform doesn't end there. In recent weeks, ByteBrew has introduced several new features meant to uncover new analytic insights in developers’ games with the additions of Retention Analytics and Custom Analytics dashboards.

Retention Analytics: Revolutionary Game Data Science

A remarkably innovative out-of-the-box product, Retention Analytics breaks down developer’s vital KPI statistics (such as session length, playtime, purchase rates, and more) based on how their users play their games on each day they return - an incredibly insightful tool for developers looking to maximise early player engagement.

Custom Analytics: Build Analytics unique to your games

ByteBrew’s Custom Analytics gives developers access to a data playground to build visual breakdowns for their game’s data to analyse how different segments of the player population experience the game throughout different stages.

All of ByteBrew’s technology is housed within its easy to integrate SDK compatible with every engine developers use to make games.

Detailed documentation and step by step video tutorials can be found on the ByteBrew docs and youtube channel.

You can start using ByteBrew and all its new features by signing up for free on the company website.