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CGC X postponed to March 3 and 4 due to unexpectedly high attendance

Extra time needed to address bandwidth issue
CGC X postponed to March 3 and 4 due to unexpectedly high attendance

CGC X has announced that the event has been delayed to March 3 and March 4 2022, when it will now take place with over 3,500 registered attendees.

The tenth edition of the blockchain games conference, which was originally meant to be held on February 22 and 23, will involve interactive networking with said participants, as well as the chance to learn from more than 50 expert speakers. 

The virtual expo zone will be filled with booths containing the latest games and quests, including brand-new NFT games. Additionally, a catalogue of attendees and companies will be available to help with finding connections and getting in touch using the meeting system, either privately or in group chats. This will also provide the opportunity to meet industry leaders in a virtual venue.

Blocked by bandwidth

The reason for postponing the event is due to unexpectedly high levels of attendance that will not be able to be supported by the bandwidth of the current conferencing software used by the event.

"In order to be able to deliver the top-notch content and provide fabulous customer experience, we have made a hard decision to move the conference dates from February 22-23 to March 3-4," said a spokesperson for the event.

"This extra time allows us to switch to a different conference platform in order to address bandwidth issues to avoid any slowdowns, down times and further unacceptable conditions jeopardizing the perfectly smooth flow of the show for everyone."

International events relating to video games and technology have been run by CGC since early in 2018. More than 15,000 delegates have attended across its first nine events, coming from over 100 different countries.

To find out more about the next event, CGC X, see here.