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E3 returns in June 2023

The first in-person conference since the start of the pandemic
E3 returns in June 2023

E3 will return to the Los Angeles Convention Centre in June 2023. The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) is partnering with event production company ReedPop to bring the event back for a week of AAA reveals, world premieres, and exclusive access to upcoming releases.

ReedPop is responsible for some of the largest conferences and pop culture events, such as PAX, New York Comic Con, and Star Wars Celebration.

This is for the fans

E3 cancelled its 2020 conference in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic. An online event was held in 2021, before the 2022 conference was again cancelled due to COVID measures. The 2023 event will mark the first in-person E3 conference of the decade.

"It is a tremendous honour and privilege for ReedPop to take on the responsibility of bringing E3 back in 2023," said Reedpop president Lance Fensterman. "With the support and endorsement of the ESA, we're going to build a world-class event to serve the global gaming industry in new and broader ways than we already do at ReedPop through our portfolio of world-leading events and websites."

"For years, we've listened, heard, and studied the global gaming community's feedback. E3 2023 will be recognisably epic—a return to form that honours what's always worked—while reshaping what didn't and setting a new benchmark for video game expos in 2023 and beyond," said ReedPop vice president of gaming Kyle Marsden-Kish, who will be leading the team behind the event.

"We are thrilled to bring back E3 as an in-person event with ReedPop, a global leader in producing pop culture events," said ESA president and CEO Stanley Pierre-Louis. "The past three years have confirmed that E3 convenes our industry like no other event. ReedPop brings world-class talent and a keen understanding of the video game industry, which will serve to enhance the E3 experience for years to come."

Media registration for the event begins later this year, with exhibitors and schedules to be announced in the coming months. is currently holding its own conference, Pocket Gamer Connects, in Toronto, where we interviewed Rogue Harbour Game Studio's Sean Megaw about achieving longevity as an indie developer.