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Unity certifies Pocketful of Quarters to bring blockchain SDK to developers

Using the Quarters currency with optional integration into developers’ games
Unity certifies Pocketful of Quarters to bring blockchain SDK to developers
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Jul 12, 2022 partnership Pocketful of Quarters Unity Not disclosed

Blockchain gaming project Pocketful of Quarters (POQ) is now a certified Unity Verified Solution partner, meaning all Unity developers will have access to POQ’s software development kit, thereby enabling easy integration of blockchain elements into games.

POQ digital tokens are known as Quarters and are reportedly a "safe and compliant" cross-platform currency.

The power of choice

Whilst of no financial value, Quarters aim to increase developer flexibility in how games are built, monetised, and distributed across games to empower the multiplayer experience. It also aims to give players more freedom when moving between titles.

As POQ’s SDK is now able to be integrated into Unity games, access to Quarters within games has been granted as a new option for developers – to complement existing currencies or replace those already standing, if they so choose.

"With over three billion video game players and the metaverse representing an $8 trillion opportunity, investors, players and developers deserve a say in the future of gaming," said Pocketful of Quarters co-founder and CEO Michael Weiksner.

"As the biggest blockchain project in the world, POQ is ushering in a new age of interoperability within games, empowering players and developers to create the future of gameplay and the metaverse that we want."

Last week, blockchain-focused Kongregate announced the acquisition of Gamaga to work closely on NFT and blockchain games, while Unity recently found itself in the spotlight as it laid off at least 150 employees from offices worldwide last month, equating to approximately four per cent of its workforce.